Japan-Korea YWCAs Conference: Joint Statement

The YWCA of Japan and the YWCA of Korea, have jointly held the 8th Japan-Korea YWCAs Conference in Okinawa, Japan, from January 22 to 25, 2014 under the theme, “Peace in Northeast Asia and Collaboration between the YWCA of Japan and the YWCA of Korea”.
During the Conference, the participants reaffirmed the solidarity between the two YWCAs, nurtured by learning from the past history and working together to create a peaceful future. They visited monuments for the war in Okinawa during World War II, which killed a large number of residents; they learned about the reality of damages caused by the presence of military bases which are overwhelmingly concentrated in Okinawa; they exchanged candid discussions about the issue of military bases and nuclear weapons/power which are faced by both countries.
At the end of the Conference, a joint-statement was issued, voicing our commitment to creating a peaceful East-Asia.